Talons confortables pour les femmes qui bougent - Tanya Heath Paris

Comfortable heels for women on the run

Between managing the boutique, preparing online orders, getting ready for an unexpected trip this weekend, and juggling several family obligations — not the least of which is supporting my daughter as she writes weeks of final exams to try and gain admission to a French engineering school — for which I play the roles of both cheerleader and dedicated chauffeur, I feel as overwhelmed as I did when the children were young, juggling all these tasks after a long day's work, while my husband worked without a care in the world from his luxury hotel in Africa. These moments remind me of the fundamental reason I created my brand: to help busy women live their lives fully, with grace and style. To assist you in this quest for serenity, I've created a code, SERENITY, which offers you a 15% discount on the purchase of one pair of shoes and two pairs of heels (excluding already discounted items). Take advantage of this little treat now to be comfortable and radiant every day. This offer is valid for two days, so put your feet up, pull up your computer, and treat yourself to a creative timeout.
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